加拿大电机展览会 MEET 是加拿大最大的电机行业展览会之一,每年在加拿大不同城市举办。该展览会是电机行业的专业展览会,吸引了来自加拿大和其他国家的制造商、供应商、分销商、批发商、零售商等电机行业专业人士。
作为电机行业的盛会,MEET 展览会为参展商提供了一个展示其最新电机产品和技术的机会,同时也为他们提供了一个与行业内其他专业人士交流经验和建立联系的平台。参展商可以在展会上展示其最新的电机产品和技术,向来自全球的专业人士展示其公司的实力和技术水平。
此外,MEET 展览会还为参展商提供了一个了解市场趋势和技术创新的机会。展览会期间,还有一系列的研讨会和论坛,向参展商和参观者提供了电机行业的最新见解、经验和知识。
作为加拿大电机行业的重要盛会,MEET 展览会吸引了众多的参展商和参观者。该展览会为电机行业的业内人士提供了一个了解最新技术、产品和服务的机会,同时也为他们提供了一个交流和建立联系的平台,有助于促进电机行业的发展和创新。
根据加拿大政府发布的数据,2020年加拿大与中国的双边货物贸易额为约 862 亿加元(约合 672 亿美元),其中加拿大出口到中国的货物总价值为约 328 亿加元(约合 256 亿美元),进口自中国的货物总价值为约 534 亿加元(约合 416 亿美元)。需要注意的是,这些数据可能受到汇率波动和贸易伙伴之间的政策变化等因素的影响.
Master Promotions Ltd.
机电产品: 发电机、汽油机、空压机、电动机、电机、水泵、阀门、轴承、剪切机、检测仪、空压机、表面处理、表面处理设备、测量仪、成型、成型机、成型机床、冲床、冲压、冲压模、传动、传动控制、传动控制技术等
焊接设备: 电焊设备与器材、气焊、气割设备、焊接辅机器具、焊接材料、配件
手动工具: 传统手工具、组合工具、汽保工具、园林工具、机械工具、工具箱包、量具、刃具、锯片
电动工具: 传统电动工具、气动工具、风动工具、液压工具、磨具磨料
其他产品: 电工电料、安全防护产品等
2024年加拿大电机展览会 MEET floor plan
3M - 720
A.M.T.S. - 610
Aalberts-IPS - 262
ABB Electrification Canada ULC - 818
Access Flow Products (AFP) - 407
Accuenergy Canada Inc - 1009
Acme Engineering Products - 347
Acuity Brands Lighting Canada - 738
Advanced Energy Management - 376
Aimco International Group Corp. - 1104
Aimlite Corp - 811
Alltemp Products - 389
American Polywater Corporation - 932
Anamet Canada Inc - 908
Ancamna Sales - 238
Aquavap Agencies Atlantic - 115
Arlington Industries Inc. - 900
Artika - 831
ASC Engineered Solutions - 268
Aspen Manufacturing (Cool Estate) - 395
Associated Wire Products - 1112
Atkore Sasco Strut - 398
Atlantic Purification Systems - 313
Auer Signal Inc - 1221
AVI-SPL Canada - 1205
Axiom Industries - 211
Axis Lighting - 800
Balux Inc. - 508
Belden - 1210
Belimo Air Controls Inc - 309
Bell and Gossett - Xylem - 609
BeLuce Canada Inc. - 835
Bender Canada inc. - 802
Bibby Ste-Croix - 635
Biomass Solution Biomasse - 234
Blade Air - 215
Blanco Canada Inc. - 539
BMI Canada Inc - 601
Boshart Industries - 636
Bradford White - 360
Brady - 1140
Bray Canada - 367
BRK Canada / Resideo - 911
Bruce Sutherland Associates Limited - 520 + 527
Calefactio Solution Inc - 388
Camfil Canada, Inc. - 383
Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH) - 103
Canature Watergroup - 402
Canplas Industries Ltd. - 390
Carlo Gavazzi Canda Inc. - 813
Carmichael Engineering Ltd - 314
Cb Supplies Ltd - 308
CE3 Electronics Inc. - 1230
Centrotherm Eco Systems, Llc - 300
Cerco Cable Canada - 1224
Champion Fiberglass - 926
Channell Commerical Canada - 1207
Chubb Fire and Security - 1212
CM Canada - 629
CMP Product LTD - 912
Cognex - 1113
Columbia MBF - 928
Compact Appliances - 245
Condair - 206
Controls & Equipment Ltd (Nb) - 332
Cooper Lighting - 806
Cree Lighting - 1029
CSC LED Inc - 1131
CTH Instruments/Madok Manufacturing - 244
Currrent Lighting - 827
Cyclone Lighting - 821
DAB Canada - 279
dahl Valve Limited - 612
Daikin - 317
Dals Lighting - 1128
Dettson Industries - 611
Dialight - 903
Dobbin Sales - 209
DwyerOmega - 535
E.H. Price Sales - 372; 374; 373; 375
East Electrical Supply Inc - 906
Eastern Foundry & Fittings Inc. - 228
Eaton Bussmann Series - 904
Eaton Cooper Power systems - 1020
Eaton Crouse-Hinds - 816
Eaton Industries (Canada) Company - 1020
Eaton Industries Company Canada - 809
Eaton Wiring Devices - 902
Electric Avenue Manufacturing - 1137
Electrical and Electronic Controls (EEC) Ltd. - 1107
Electrical Business Magazine - 129
Elite Lighting - 1025
Enertrak Inc - 255
Engineered Air - 339
Enviroair Industries Inc. - 628
Euchner Canada Inc. - 1208
Eura Investments Canada (EURA Drives) - 237
EXM - 1137
Fantech - 617
Federal Signal Corporation - 936
Fernco Connectors - 419
FGI Canada - 427
Fiber Connections - 1223
Filtration Plus - 350
Finder Components Inc - 1238
Fleurco Products Inc - 433
Flextech Industries Inc. - 526
Fluke - 917
Forbest Products Co. - 344
Franke Kindred Canada - 435
General Pipe Cleaners - 421
Geosmart Energy - 348
GigaTera LED Sports Lighting - 722
GLLS - 1135
Global Mechanical Systems Ltd - 512
Goldstone HVACR Inc - 128
Granby Industries - 377
GREE Canada - 326
Greenlee - 716
Greystone Energy Systems - 632
GridIron Power - 1213
Group Master - 225
Hammond Manufacturing - 1032
Hammond Power Solutions - 711
Heatcraft Refrigeration - 337
Heat-Flo Inc - 369
Hellermanntyton Canada - 913
Hexagon M Canada - 137
Hilti Canada Corp - 118
Hisense Canada Co Ltd - 272
Holophane - 819
Hometech Development Inc - 251
House of Rohl - 507
HPAC Magazine - 108
HRAI - 105
Hubbell Canada - 1001
Hydel Inc. - 1002B
Hydronic Systems Canada Inc - 218
Hylok Distribution - 346
Ideal Industries - 1030
ifm efector Canada Inc - 1116
I-Gard Corporation - 1222
Imperial Manufacturing Group - 265
Innosys Power - 810
InSinkErator (Canada) - 534
Intellimeter - 924
Intermatic Canada - 934
Intertek - 704
IPEX Electrical Inc - 700
IPEX Inc. - 600
Itc Technologies - Maritimes - 605
Ivan's AV - 801
J. Wright Sales - 431
Jim Pattison Lease - 528
Johnson Controls - 618
Kerr Controls Ltd - 513
Kidde Canada - 933
Klein Tools - 817
Larkin - 342
LED Roadway Lighting / Liveable Cities - 1010
Legrand BCS - Wattstopper, Encelium and Shading - 709
Legrand Canada - 1138
Leotek Electronics USA LLC - 1002E
Les Agences Rafales inc. - 425
Leviton - 1228
Liberty Pumps - 219
Light Efficient Design - 737
Liteline Corporation - 905
Litetec - 1216
LithTech - 1002C
Littelfuse - 705
Little Giant - 638
Lixil Canada Inc - 208
Longevity Acrylics Inc - 440
Lotus LED Lights - 825
Lovato Electric Corp - 717
LumenTruss - 1033
LumenWerx - 724
Lutron Electronics Canada - 812
Luxo Marbre - 438
Lyncar Waterline - 409
M.A. Stewart & Sons Ltd - 613
Maax Bath - 403
MacLeod and Grant Ltd. - 349;352;353;354;356;357;358;359;361
Magic Lite - 807
Mainline Backflow Products Inc. - 432
Marcus Transformer Inc - 907
Maritime CADCAM and Cobot ltd - 1209
Masco Canada Ltd - 434
Meltric Corporation - 916
Memco Controls - 324
Mersen Canada Toronto Inc - 815
MIFAB - 400
Milwaukee Tool - 331
Moen - 538
Morris Lee - 202
Muraluxe inc. - 505
Navac Inc - 364
Navien Inc. - 380
NB Power - 131
Nemalux - 1027
Neptune Products - 408
NESCO - 1036
Next Polymers - 1227
Next Sales & Marketing - 1019-1038
NLS - 1035
NOARK Electric - 1114
Nordic Heat Pumps - 142
Northern Cables Inc. - 823
North Star Water Treatment - 273
NTI Boilers Inc. - 500
nVent CADDY & nVent ERICO - 710
nVent Hoffman - 706
nVent Ilsco - 708
nVent Thermal - 712
Oatey Canada SCS Co. - 439
Oceania - 506
OEC USA Inc - 840
Ontor Limited - 259
OS&B - 226
OS&B Industrial Ltd - 222
Ouellet Canada / Convectair / Britech - 1000
Panasonic Canada Inc - 909
Panduit Canada - 808
Pennecon Technical Services - 1108
Pentair - 365
Phoenix Contact Canada - 1103
Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. - 733
PremierOneProducts - 128
Priority Wire & Cable - 935
Pro Kontrol - 312
Proflo - 631
Prysmian Group - 914
Rab Design Lighting - 901
Rack-A-Tier - 1038
Ralston Metal Products Limited - 918
Rectorseal - 263
Reed Manufacturing Company - 417
RefPlus - 318
Rehau Construction LLC - 266
Resideo - 363
Rheem Canada Ltd. - 537
Rideau Supply - 130
RIDGID - 392
Rinnai America Corporation - 307
Rite Lites/Acclaim Canada - 735
Rittal Systems Ltd - 726
RLS LLC - 301
Robertshaw - 371
Robotics, Electronics & Industry 4.0 Research Lab - 834
Roth North America - 370
RVE - Recharge Véhicule Électrique - 1122
Rw Beckett Corporation - 270
RWC - Sharkbite, Holdrite, Cashacme, John Guest, EZ Flo/Eastman - 232
Sales Outsource Solutions - 1008
Samsung HVAC America - 345
Saniflo SFA - 430
Satco Products - 1124
Schmersal - 1105
Schneider Electric IT - 739
Selux - 733
Service Forge - 393
Service Wire Company - 1133
Services FLO Inc - 715
Sicame USA - 1002A
SICK Canada Ltd. - 1109
Siemens Canada Ltd - 731
Signify Canada Ltd. - 703
Sioux Chief Manufacturing Co - 536
Smillie McAdams Summerlin Ltd. - 200
Snookbooks Publishing - 114
Snyder Sales Group - 405
Solère - 1037
Sommers Generator Systems - 1218
Spacevent Manufacturing Inc. - 249
Spartan Peripheral Devices - 623
SPX Cable and Pipe Locators c/o R L Dennis - 323
STA Boxes Inc. - 931
Stanley Black and Decker - 1234
Stanpro (Standard Products Inc.) - 836
Stove Builder International - 604
Stresscrete Group - 837
SurgePure Corporation - 734
Taco Comfort Solutions - 516
Taylor Walraven - 412
Techspan Industries - 1126
tekmar Controls - 212
Test Products International Lted - 627
The Ericson Manufacturing Co. - 1225
The National Electrical Trade Council - NETCO - 1012
Thermaray - 1004
Thermo 2000 inc. - 637
Thermon - 939
Thomas Industrial Sales Ltd - 410-428
TMS Lighting - 1031
Trane Canada - 503
Transformateurs Delta - 923
Trident Pump & Filtration - 304
Trojan Technologies (Viqua) - 302
TTL Supply Ltd - 305
Turolight Inc - 833
Tyco Integrated Fire & Security / Johnson Controls - 1019
United Rentals Fluid Solutions - 325
Universal Robots - 1117
Uponor Ltd - 634
UV Pure Technologies Inc. - 307
V.J. Pamensky Canada Inc. - 1006
Valley Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd. - 220
Venmar / VanEE Ventilation - 322
Verge Technologies - 1118
Victaulic - 639
Viega Llc - 502
Viscor Inc. - 839
Wago Canada - 838
Weidmuller Ltd - 805
Westlake Pipe & Fittings - 640
Winters Instruments - 248
Wirewerks - 915
Yaskawa Canada Inc. - 1111
Yorkland Controls - 616
Zitta Group - 335
Zoeller Canada - 236
Zurn Elkay - 234
377 Killam Drive, Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 3T1, Canada
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