印尼雅加达客车及商用车展览会(GIIAS)将在印尼雅加达会议中心举办,作为世界级车展系列的一部分,GAIKINDO 印度尼西亚国际车展 (GIIAS) 已被广泛认为是一个值得期待的汽车平台,它强调印度尼西亚汽车行业的技术、发布和品牌,并将展示整个范围的汽车行业。GAIKINDO印尼国际车展(GIIAS)自2015年举办以来,不断展示乘用车和商用车品牌、轿车系列、摩托车品牌及配套行业的创新成果。自 2015 年以来,GIIAS 已成为 9 场全球首发、160 多款新车发布和 60 多款概念车的展示地。GAIKINDO 印度尼西亚国际车展 (GIIAS) 将回归并继续将便利性放在首位,以确保所有相关方的福祉和安全。
Commercial vehicle parts: bodies and shells, tires and wheels, lubricants, parts and components, accessories; container trucks, insurance, financial institutions
Commercial vehicles: trucks (heavy, medium, light), buses, coaches (light, medium), trucks (light, medium, heavy), double cabin vehicles, pickup trucks, special tools
Passenger cars: Passenger cars and related: city buses, minibuses, special buses, components and spare parts, service and maintenance systems, tools and maintenance equipment, accessories, lubricants, tires, rental and insurance services Minibuses: commercial vans, minibuses, pickup trucks, trailers Components and accessories: additional luggage solutions, air conditioning, bus chassis, chassis technology, door and boarding systems, drive technology, driver furniture. Energy storage systems, fire protection, safety and driver assistance systems Comfort and design: barriers, comfort devices, floor coverings, interior furniture, lighting systems, on-board entertainment, seating systems, others Maintenance, services, infrastructure: charging infrastructure, consulting services, insurance maintenance, supply and disposal, vehicle wrapping, washing facilities, car, body equipment, others
Exhibition area: 100,000 square meters Number of exhibitors: 500 Number of visitors: 45,000
Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard, Tangerang City, Banten 15339, Indonesia
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